Thursday 25 April 2019 - Follow Up Report

Housing Repairs and Maintenance: Follow-up

Topics: Governance

Departments: Housing

Sector: Housing

Housing Repairs and Maintenance Follow-up

Follow Up Report: pdf (787.26 KB)

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Andium Homes was established on 1 July 2014. Andium Homes is a States controlled company that provides landlord services to over 10,000 people in more than 4,500 homes.

In February 2015 the C&AG reported the results of her review of Andium Homes’ management of repairs and maintenance. In May 2015 and July 2015 the Public Accounts Committee received reports from Andium Homes detailing progress in implementing the recommendations in the C&AG’s original report.


This review evaluates:

  • the progress Andium Homes has made in implementing agreed recommendations
  • the extent to which the recommendations as implemented have addressed the improvement areas identified in the report; and
  • the adequacy of plans for the implementation of any outstanding recommendations.


Andium Homes has made good progress in implementing the C&AG’s recommendations. Where recommendations remain outstanding, Andium Homes has clear plans for implementation.

The States are making some progress in implementing the C&AG’s wider recommendation on procurement.


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